WHS Management

At Pillar Consulting Group, our passion for health and safety is what separates us from the competition. We understand the true value of the implementation of health and safety systems within the workplace, and have witnessed over our years of experience the evolution in our client’s company culture as a direct result of our assistance. 

Our vision is to be an agent of change within Australia, and we aim to be a driving force behind the adoption of appropriate workplace health and safety across all industries and sectors. Understanding and empathy are among our core values, and Pillar is here to take the weight off your shoulders with your health and safety practices, and identify existing gaps within your workplace health and safety management system..

Pillar recognises Health and Safety’s reputation as a ‘dry’ subject, and over the years we have set about changing the mindset of our clients; through provision of engaging, informative, and empowering training sessions aimed at personnel from every level of an organisation. The feedback from these sessions is overwhelmingly positive, and we truly believe in our ‘Safety Differently’ approach, which is resulting in streamlined and accessible health and safety processes. 

Our service aims to deliver simple, smart, and focused service. We have developed a robust and unique engagement model which blends our best aspects of compliance, technology, process, and people to drive effective delivery and ensure success. 

Our fundamental philosophy is applied across the four core functions:





Our clients are offered multiple options in a simple to understand and maturity-based matrix. 

Service Offerings

Although we have a global presence, our foundational approach is to tailor our strategies with a local focus; keeping in consideration your particular requirements. Our confidence stems from our health and safety consultants vast skill set and extensive experience. Our service model allocates our teams to an array of industries and sectors, ensuring that our staff has depth of experience and breadth of specialisation. This provides us with unique insight into the needs of your industry, organisation, and specific requirements.

We work with the following industries:

Pillar Consulting Group provides ongoing Health and Safety Consultation to clients within these industries, offering a wide variety of services to support the establishment of their Workplace Health and Safety goals. 

Contact Us

Get in touch with us at 0419 539 280 and book your free health and safety assessment today!

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